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Pure Beeswax Candles are Special

Beeswax has been prized for centuries as a superior, low-smoke light source. Of course, their other options were tallow or a fireplace... but still! Beeswax burns hotter than plant-based waxes, AND beeswax candles last longer - provided the right wick is being used, and the right candle shape is selected for the mold.

tea lights with different wicks for a burning test

Beeswax candles burn brighter than paraffin or soy, and with less smoke. In fact, they burn hot enough to crack glass, if a candle is poured into a glass jar. Finding the right wick is something that requires trial-and-error, because a wick that is too thick leads to a flame that is too hot, tunneling down quickly to the base of the candle. One that is too small has a flame that will not stay lit once the wax-pool forms.

At Chickabuzz, we use pure beeswax from our hives. We harvest wax from comb put in the wrong place, and from the cappings from harvesting honey. Comb is put in a cheesecloth bag, then submerged and heated just until the wax rises to the top - we don't boil it. Then it is rinsed and dried. The fun part is re-melting it and filling the mold!

melting wax crumbles from the hive in mesh under water re-melting wax dollops so I can pour into a mold, and add a wick